Mission and Vision
Our Mission
Antelope Valley High School provides an academically rigorous learning environment that promotes creativity and builds meaningful relationships in order to develop complex critical thinking skills necessary to be successful in the 21st century.
Our Vision
Students at Antelope Valley High School recognize their capacity to contribute to their community and are prepared to pursue a clear post secondary plan developed throughout high school.
Student Learning Objectives- School Goals
- Ensure that students are academically proficient and prepared for college and career ready.
- Provide a 21st Century learning environment and rigorous curriculum that allows students to have multiple experiences and opportunities for academic, collegiate, professional, and personal growth.
- Cultivate a safe and secure, positive school culture that supports all students personal and academic growth.
- Communicate effectively with all stakeholders and continue to build relationships in the community that help provide our students with innovative educational opportunities.
Student Learning Objectives
Cognitive, Competent, and Critical Thinkers who:
- Demonstrate the ability to be self-evaluative, self-reflective adults who can assess their strengths and weaknesses and demonstrate the ability to make good decisions leading to self-correction, goal-setting and success.
Effective communicators who:
- Receive, interpret and respond appropriately to verbal and non-verbal messages and use oral and written language effectively.
- Lifelong Learners who:Aggressively pursue learning and demonstrate an instilled desire for excellence and success through goal-oriented persistence and demonstrate marketability in post-high school careers and/or college.
- Responsible Citizens who:Practice respect of self, others and the environment as demonstrated by the ability to make and meet personal, career, and social commitments.
- Globally Competent users of technology who:Demonstrate 21st century research skills and the stamina, persistence and collaborative skills and who develop and utilize strategies that demonstrate adaptability to meet the needs of a changing workplace.
alma mater
Down in Antelope Valley
With its sky so blue
Lies our alma mater
‘Neath the golden hue
With its snow capped mountains,
And its poppies fair
We know our fondest memories
Will always linger there
Dear old Alma Mater,
We always will love thee,
To our colors, red and black
We pledge our loyalty.
We would not forsake thee,
Or even lose our dream
For our Alma Mater,
Our torch will always gleam